Rawlins Family Cider

A new brand identity for a traditional Somerset cider maker.

Rawlins Family Cider stands as a testament to the rich cider-making traditions of Somerset, nestled in the heart of the South West. Embracing time-honoured methods passed down through generations, Rawlins Cider crafts unique and exceptional ciders suitable for any occasion. Their commitment to working with the bounties of each year ensures that each small batch is a distinctive creation

Collaborating closely with founder Simon Rawlins, we embarked on a journey to refine their brand appeal. The goal was to encapsulate the essence of a wholesome and traditional family cider producer. The result was a thoughtfully crafted visual identity that mirrors the authenticity and charm of Rawlins Family Cider.

Design Services
Brand Identity
Logo Design
Website Design
‍Art Direction
Label Design

SectorFood and Drink

From the farmhouse table to local supermakert shelves.

With the brand identity firmly established, our focus shifted to creating a series of labels for their range of products. This strategic approach not only added a touch of sophistication but also helped transition Rawlins Cider from the family farmhouse table to the shelves of local supermarkets and restaurants.

Building a Somerset cider brand.
Rawlins Family Cider is not just about creating cider; it's about preserving a legacy, embracing nature's gifts, and sharing the joy of tradition with every sip. As each bottle finds its way onto the shelves, it carries not just the taste of meticulously crafted cider but also the story of a family deeply rooted in Somerset's cider-making heritage.
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